About Me
When life challenges you, there is a choice that has to be made.
Do you accept the hand that you've been dealt?
Or do you decide to take action on the things that you can control?
My journey through life has required me to build a resilient mindset, long before I even realised it was a thing to do or be.
Without realising it, I had developed my own mindset, well being & resilience habits & rituals to help me deal with the everyday and the not so everyday challenges of life.
Mindset, well being & resilience are at the core of everything I do. At first I thought that these tools were for my own benefit. But in 2017 it became clear that I've been given these gifts for the benefit of others.
So my purpose is to guide, mentor and empower others. To help them discover & build their own mindset, well being & resilience habits and rituals, in order to live resiliently and design the life that they want. Not the life that has been designed for them.
"If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together" - African Proverb

Insights & tips on mindset, well being, self mastery & resilience